Unedited story preview. Steal it and be sued!
The blonde man angrily grabbed Frank’s neck.
“ Redemption!”, he hissed. “You were praying for redemption. You little piggy, you thought we couldn’t actually hear you? We hear everything you human scum are thinking. Hasn’t it occurred to you that we might be gods?”
The god neared his thick lips to Frank’s, who noticed his breath was hot and somewhat foul. He sniffed the painter’s face and than spat on his chin. Grabbing a bottle of wine from his damaged leather jacket, the immortal let go of Frank. Catching his breath, the human bravely yelled:
“ Yet you were once human yourselves. Is there any place for contempt among kin?”
“ What might you know on who’s human and who’s not, worm? You sunk lower than the rats I used to eat for breakfast back in my good days. Your kind has no right to speak. And I will personally make sure that you, yourself will not be entitled to this particular right for the rest of the bleeding eternity!”
Frank thought that the ability to use complicated phrases was rather unexpected from such an apparition. In fact, it sounded somewhat ridiculous spoken with the god’s guttural, hissed voice. The painter couldn’t help to wonder if the powerful creature in front of him had once been a heavy drinker and smoker. Noticing the patched leather jacket, another question rose in his mind: was the immortal so…young?
“You are really pissing me off now. What part from I can hear your thoughts haven’t you understood? Assumptions, assumptions. Is that how hive reasoning works? What the hell did you expect? A sword? A halo? White doves? A golden helmet with fucking wings on it? Oh, of course. A pompous 17th century attire. I take it you find my leather jacket unappealing? Stole it from a dead biker back in 1986. His brains were splattered all around the highway, but this piece of leather is still in great shape, isn’t it? Lay down your soul to the gods rock’n’roll! “
Frank opened his mouth to reply to the sarcastic immortal. He had nothing to lose. The god was quicker and grabbed him by the shoulders, lifting him in the air.
“I forgot. Of course I drink, you boot licking groundhog! Are you blind? I also happen to smoke bad cigarettes. Like my pretty teeth?” he grinned, “ And perhaps you assume that having God of Disfigurement written on your forehead makes it impossible to copulate with hot virgins. Say, you don’t have a daughter, do you? ”, he muttered, jamming Frank into the wall.
“Let there be light!”, laughed the immortal reaching for the light switch. “Good, now I’ll be able to take a better look at your entrails.”
His features were certainly not as Frank had expected them to be. He was the least dark he could be and his figure still bore childish traits. The god had no wrinkles, except the ones surrounding his trickster smile. Curly, dirty, blonde hair was flowing down his not very broad shoulders. Beneath his leather jacket, ragged clothes were covering a thin, yet muscular body. The immortal’s disfigurement was less gruesome than his attitude. He had a marble eye and a burnt underneath, which followed his delicate nose, leaving him without a part of his right nostril, and continued to his thick lips. His mouth was probably the most striking in his physiognomy, sensual but somewhat irregular. The good eye was of a dark brown and both his eyebrows were unusually thin.